

Marvin Feldmann


氏名:Marvin Feldmann
現職:修士課程修了(医学)・T-M Double Degree Program
   Maastricht University
    Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
専門:Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism


2013/10 – 2014/09
  Technical University of Dortmund
  Study Programs: Physics, Electrical Engineering
  No degree
2014/10 – 2017/08
  University of Bonn
  Study Program: Nutritional and Food Sciences
  Bachelor of Science
2017/09 – 2019/09
  Maastricht University
  Study Program: Biomedical Sciences
  Specialization: Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism
2018/10 – 2019/09
  Tohoku University
  Graduate School of Medicine, Super-network Brain Physiology
  Study Program: Medical Sciences
  指導教官:松井 広
2019/10 – Recent
  University of Cologne
  Cologne Graduate School of Ageing
  Working at Prof. Jens Brüning lab at
  Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research



During my studies at Maastricht University, I completed an internship at the lab of Professor van Loon during which we investigated the effects of muscle disuse on muscle metabolism.

I joined the Double Degree Program between Maastricht University and Tohoku University to expand my knowledge about metabolic processes in the brain.

As astrocytes serve key functions in brain metabolism, I will study their role in neural processing during my stay at Professor Ko Matsui's lab.

Next to studying, I am also passionate about going to the gym as often as I can in order to keep my own metabolism in check.


研究室ウェブサイト(Marvin Feldmann)